“Let us avert war and heal the world through prayer.”
(Updated for Daylight Saving Time. –>PRAYER SHOULD BE DONE EVERY DAY)
Copyright Claude Swanson ([email protected])
The Earth is in the midst of an historic CONSCIOUSNESS SHIFT. The situation can be summarized by the message of Out of Body (OBE) researcher Bruce Moen who encountered a massive ET craft while using Monroe Institute hemi-synch technology. They told him:
“We’ve come to this region to witness events taking place on the Earth. Specifically, the Great Event that is happening here to the Earth School …Its our understanding that one of the potential results of the Earth Changes, as you call them, is that the Earth will be joining our federation…” (Moen, 1999)
This same message has come from many clairvoyants, ET abductees and contactees, mediums, and in Past-life and between life hypnotic regressions. The message is consistent: We on the Earth are about to undergo a profound CONSCIOUSNESS SHIFT, and in the process are moving into the “fifth density” which will bring advances in psychic ability and consciousness along with many physical Earth changes. This shift is the ultimate cause for the profound changes occurring on the Earth at this time.
The political upheavals we are seeing each day in the news are part of this process. We are seeing the exposure and arrest of elite pedophiles and other financial criminals who have exerted influence at the highest levels of government and financial circles. As part of the process of the Shift, we are acquiring greater clarity to understand the truth about many who have held such power in the past. Clear vision, the ability to see the truth despite the propaganda, is a hallmark of the Shift. It brings with it the ability to see through the lies. Many who have wielded great power in the past have been deceptive, and their veils of concealment are now dissolving.
Among the truths we are learning is the way propaganda has been used to support deceptive leaders. We now call it “Fake News.” We are discovering that unsavory practices such as bribery, and even pedophilia. In order for the larger population of the Earth to shift to higher consciousness, it is essential to reject and eliminate these negative and evil influences. In order for us to acquire a higher knowledge, including advanced technology, it is necessary that we purge the negative forces that would lead to our misuse of this power. Only a world that has gone beyond base materialism and rejected aggression and greed can be allowed to receive the tremendous power that higher consciousness and its associated advanced technology brings.
The nature of the “Earth School” will change as a result of this shift. New technologies mean that mere “survival” will no longer be an issue. Our new challenge will be how to use this knowledge ethically. Our attitudes will hopefully rise to meet this challenge, and make proper use of these new powers.
In these disturbing and chaotic times, prayer and meditation are more important than ever. This is where Peace Prayers can be powerful. We ask that we conduct them at regular intervals to assist the Earth in its transition to a higher plane of consciousness. This can also help us deal with stress that comes from political turmoil and Earth changes.
We ask that everyone send out Peace Prayers to help smooth the energies of the Earth, and to help each of us adjust to these new experiences. Peace Prayers can be especially effective if they are done simultaneously around the world, and can be even stronger if they are carried out at a certain time when they have the greatest effect. In the following paragraphs, we explain how this can be done.
One of the great revelations of my life was when I first learned about the POWER OF THE MIND. I had received my Ph.D. In physics a few years before, and thought that I understood the physical world. Then I learned about government experiments into Remote Viewing which taught me that my education had left out some very important things. The mind is much more powerful than I had imagined. This began my thirty year quest to understand consciousness from a scientific perspective.
One part of this research has involved experiments in “mind over matter,” the power of the mind to affect distant objects and future events. This has led me to the conclusion, documented in my first three books, that this power is very real. Experiments conducted at the Princeton PEAR Lab in the 1980s and 1990s, for example, showed that human intention can alter physical events at the quantum level. These results are scientifically solid. The “odds against chance” that such events can be accounted for by “coincidence” are now measured in the trillions to one! In other words, the power of our minds, of our intention, of prayer and meditation, is real. It has been proven.
In other experiments, meditators have been able to reduce the crime rate in cities such as Washington, D.C. by over 30% for several months. Others have used this power to accomplish distant healing and to affect radioactive decay in physics experiments. In the global peace prayer, we use this power to help the earth during this time of unrest and change. By linking our prayers together, and sending peaceful, loving thoughts to everyone on the planet and to the planet itself.
The shift that has begun on our planet and in the solar system will trigger psychological unrest in many people. It can also increase Earth changes which can further enhance unrest. We believe that these effects can be reduced by Synchronized Peace Prayers. We can smooth the transition we are presently undergoing. We can help calm fears, reduce aggression, and reduce the severity of earth changes.
There is a certain time of day that is best to conduct peace prayers, and we have learned that simultaneous prayers by many people can have increased power. Therefore we describe below a technique and a schedule that can maximize these effects.
Synchronized Prayers make use of two principles to help with this.
- To make prayer the most powerful, we ask that everyone around the world pray simultaneously, at the same time. This will increase the power of the prayer, possibly by a factor of several hundred because more people are praying simultaneously. Prayer in each time zone is adjusted so that prayers are simultaneous all around the world. Prayers should be done EVERY DAY.
- There is also a best time of day to receive prayer, a time when our receptivity is greatest (see below). Our prayers of peace, love and forgiveness, while directed to everyone around the world, may in this way have greatest effectiveness in calming and bringing peace to the world. Let us pray that peace, love and forgiveness penetrate the hearts of all people.
The chart below, Table 1, shows the best time to pray to accomplish this. It is timed so that receptivity is greatest over Washington, DC and New York, because of the central role those regions play at the present time. It is slightly different (about four minutes earlier) every day. It depends on what time zone you are in and the time of year. The time zones and locations are listed in the left-hand column. Find the row which describes your time zone. Then move across to the right to find the column for the correct date. The dates are shown for every five days, but you should pray every day. On days not shown in the chart, choose a time for the closest day shown.
For example, if you live in Colorado, you look down the left hand column until you find Colorado (or Denver) and MST for Mountain Standard Time. This describes your time zone. If it is January 30, you then look across the top row of the chart to find the date, January 30. Going down that column to the row corresponding to Colorado or MST you find the prayer time given is 3:05 AM. This is the center of the prayer period.
For a 20 minute prayer, this means beginning the prayer 10 minutes earlier than this. Since the center is 3:05 AM, you would start the prayer ten minutes earlier, at 2:55 AM. PRAYERS SHOULD BE DONE EVERY DAY. Each day the best prayer time occurs about four minutes earlier. The chart shows the best prayer times every five days, to help keep track of the schedule. However you should pray every day. If the day is not shown on the chart, choose a prayer time in between the times shown. If the times are inconvenient, then pray when you can but include the intention that the prayer is to be joined with others praying in the same time window.
We propose that the prayer be for world peace, forgiveness of others, healing of Mother Earth, and the awakening of higher consciousness and love for our fellow man. This follows the lessons of the great Teachers of all religions.

TABLE 1. How to use it: Look down the far left-hand column to find your time zone. California, for example, is Pacific Standard Time right now, or PST. When you find the right row for your time zone, then go across to the correct column for the present date. If it is February 7, then find the columns for February 5 and February 10 on the chart. Your prayer time is in between these two numbers, say about 1:35 AM. Choose that time for the middle of your prayer period.
The power of prayer has been known for thousands of years. Recent scientific experiments have proven it (Ref. 1). Experiments show that when people pray together at THE SAME TIME, it has EVEN MORE IMPACT (Ref. 2). Science has also discovered there is a SPECIAL TIME OF DAY when we are MOST RECEPTIVE to spiritual and intuitive messages (Ref. 3). Prayers received at this time are likely to have the greatest effect. If everyone around the world will pray at this time the prayers can have heightened impact, both because of the time of day and because many people are praying together. Fifteen or twenty minutes of concentrated prayer everyday at this time can work miracles.
The Princeton PEAR Lab, the Global Consciousness Project, and other research institutions have discovered that consciousness affects physics and can be measured (Ref. 4). The human mind and human intention alter the behavior of devices called “random event generators,” or REGs. They measure the power of human intention to affect distant events. In scientific studies on prayer, it has been found that when many people pray together the effect is larger (Ref. 2).
The graph below shows this effect. The lower curve in blue shows the level of randomness of these REGs when no one is praying. When many people around the world pray together, the devices begin to act as though they are coupled together (the red line on the graph). This shows that synchronized prayer affects the physics of space-time around the world. Prayer has power that can be measured, and synchronized prayer can have great effectiveness.
GRAPH 1. The power of synchronized prayer. The red line shows how prayer, by millions of people around the world, affect devices called REGs. These devices have been shown to measure the power of consciousness. They are based on patterns of quantum noise which occur when many people around the world think the same thought or focus on the same idea.
The second key piece is the importance of the TIME when one prays. It has been discovered in scientific experiments that there is a BEST TIME of day when intuitive messages are most accurately received. Prayer is an example of messages of this type. The graph below shows how accurately such messages are received versus TIME OF DAY. The peak in the graph shows the best time. It is found to depend on the position of the stars overhead, and is therefore called “sidereal time.” Because the peak has width of about a half hour on either side, this defines a one hour window which should be the “best time” for sending or receiving prayer. Table 1 above, labeled “Best Time to Pray,” shows how this “best time” relates to your local clock time.
GRAPH 2. The most powerful time of day to receive a psychic message. This seems to be the time of day when psychic or spiritual communication is least noisy, which means it is clearer then. If we are sending an intuitive or prayer message to others, this is the best time for it to be received. Just like channels on a radio dial, it is best to send and receive on a channel which is clear and quiet, not one that is noisy. The peak in the graph shows when this occurs. It depends on the star positions overhead, which is why it is called “sidereal time” (Ref. 3) Table 1 above translates this into your local clock time.
To have maximum effectiveness when we pray, it may be most powerful to combine these two ideas: To have many people pray TOGETHER, and also to pray at the BEST TIME for it to be received. In each time zone, when the clock reaches the BEST TIME, as shown by Table 1, everyone in that time zone should join their minds and hearts to pray together.
The times in each time zone are adjusted so everyone will pray at the same exact moment around the world. This means the largest number of people will be praying together, which will have the GREATEST EFFECT. The prayer is timed to correspond to the time during the day of best receptivity in the Middle
East. This is when the peak in receptivity, shown in Graph 2, is over that region. This part of the world appears most critical at the present time. It is hoped that by directing prayers there when they are most receptive, we may help encourage peace in the region.
We are living in a time of great change on the planet. We have built technologies which are transforming the world’s ecology and weather. Our investment in weapons of war is skyrocketing. New weapons including engineered diseases are being stockpiled. Tensions in the Middle East have erupted into “hot wars” in Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon, and threaten to spread into Iran and Syria. At the same time, the Earth itself shows evidence of unrest, with increased motion of the magnetic poles, increased Earthquake and volcano activity, and changes in the environments of the sun and the planets of the solar system.
In many religions and cultures, the times we are living in have been the subject of prophecy. The Hopi Indians of North America are but one of many peoples who have predicted these times. They describe Western man as having a head and body which are separated. The body represents understanding of the physical world, i.e. technology, and the head represents spiritual wisdom. In the Hopi view, the separation of head and body symbolizes that Western man is out of touch with spiritual guidance, and therefore misuses his understanding of technology.
The great truth is that we are in the midst of a huge and far-reaching consciousness shift that is affecting the entire planet. This has been noted by consciousness researchers, Afterlife researchers, and UFO investigators. One of them, Sherry Wilde, stated:
“It is an absolute truth that the Earth will be moving into the higher vibration, and those unable to survive that shift because of their lower frequency will be taken to a new place to continue their growth at their own pace, without interfering with the Earth’s evolution or their fellow human beings right to live in peace.” (Wilde, 2013)
This same information emerged in a Dolores Cannon hypnotic regression with a client who made contact with advanced beings from a high spiritual plane. They told him:
“J: This is all going to be changing very shortly because the Earth is going to be too highly evolved for these spirits. So we’re going to be shipping these souls out …[John laughed suddenly.] You know, it’s like, ‘Okay, you had your chance here. Next boat is going to Arturis.’ (Humorously)…’Yup. You had your chances here. Now we have to ship you out to those other planets that are over near Arturis.’…Yes, he says those are still evolving planets. But these [higher vibrational] spirits won’t come back here because this planet Earth is changing.” (Cannon, 1993)
A UFO investigator, Mary Rodwell, learned similar information from one of her clients, Tracey Taylor:
“I also received information about the raising of human consciousness and of a dimensional shift that is presently happening on Earth. It is going to assist us and enable us to access ‘other realms’ more freely, as well as increase our spiritual understanding.”
-Tracey Taylor, a UFO abductee, in (Rodwell, 2002)
The respected clairvoyant channel Sal Rachele also received similar information:
“Earth is becoming a fourth density planet. …This implies that only those souls vibrating at fourth density and above will be allowed to incarnate on Earth from this point forward… Those souls who decide to remain with the Earth are going through a spiritual awakening… “Those souls who desire to live in true peace and prosperity will remain with the Earth, or in some cases ascend and go to other planets that accommodate peace and prosperity.” (Rachele, 2011)
Bruce Moen explored the higher dimensions of consciousness in the Afterlife, using Monroe Institute hemi-synch technology. In one of his excursions, he encountered a group of ETs and sensed a massive craft. They told him:
“We’ve come to this region to witness events taking place on the Earth. Specifically, the Great Event that is happening here to the Earth School …Its our understanding that one of the potential results of the Earth Changes, as you call them, is that the Earth will be joining our federation…” (Moen, 1999)
And Corey Goode has described his involvement in a U.S. military program that involved unusual psychic training, including Remote Viewing, Out-of-Body travel and telepathy, which gave him a unique perspective on these events. He has been receiving similar messages, as described in Chapter 10 of Science of the Soul, The Afterlife and the Shift. He agrees that the Earth is about to go through a shift as it moves to a higher dimension, also called “density” or “frequency.” He says:
“Now Gaia is going through an Ascension. It is finishing its last transitions into fourth density. And we’re kind of like fleas on a dog, a dog that’s going though Ascension, and we happen to be on the dog. We’re riding a planet. And we’re riding the wave of Ascension, or the wake I guess you could say, of Ascension that our planet is going through…” (Cosmic Disclosure Gaiam Channel with David Wilcock)
Abduction researcher Mary Rodwell has investigated hundreds of individuals either displaying unusual abilities or reporting ET contact. Among her conclusions:
“We know that secret schools suggest an education program could be in operation and experiencers are taught, often experiencing a ‘downloading’ of information that can be way beyond their own conscious knowledge or learning…
“We know that those with Contact experiences seek a metaphysical or more universal spirituality, as well as having an ecological passion for harmony and a nurturing of themselves and the planet.
“We know that special human senses appear to be enhanced and individuals become aware of a new ‘super-reality’ of a multi-dimensional nature.
“We know there is evidence that supports the theory of “Homo-Noeticus,” a new generation of human children.” (Rodwell, 2002) [Emphasis added]
P.M.H. Atwater, a Near-Death Experiencer and highly respected researcher, pointed out that Edgar Cayce had predicted a new “root race” of more advanced humans would appear. This would be the “fifth root race,” and would begin appearing on the Earth at around this time. They are expected to reach new heights of knowledge and spiritual attainment:
“I am especially mindful of what the Theosophical rendering pointed out for the Fifth Root Race: consciousness, separated into two hemispheres – East and West – now fusing back together; a global leap in species refinement. This is exactly what I have discovered in my research. The Fifth Root Race is not just another step up some kind of cosmic ladder. It is a pivotal shift in who and what we are as human beings. The success or failure of human ensoulment is said to occur at this level of evolutionary growth.” (Atwater, 2012)
Reverend Alice Miller, an astrologer, described three waves of special children entering the Earth plane. She wrote: “Humanity is growing up, beginning to take responsibility for its own choices. Gradually, true Spirituality is replacing organized religion. It has served its purpose, and served it well, but the time has come for us all to take responsibility for our own moral choices…To this end, new generations of more-evolved children began to be born, first a sprinkling, then a small stream.” (Miller, 2011)
These changes are profound and far-reaching. They invite each of us to look within ourselves, to maintain our calm and loving center, to send love to the rest of the planet and to the larger universe. Let us send love and healing to Mother Earth and to one another, that our mistakes and mistreatment of the environment and of our fellow man may be healed, that we learn how to tread more gently on the earth, and that we be forgiven for the disturbances we have so far created. Let us raise our vibration and our level of consciousness so we can connect to the higher beings who will be appearing on the Earth at this time, and so that we can greet these changes with understanding, calm and love. Remember that as Souls we live forever. This is but a short and exciting chapter in our experience.
In the West every day we see images of violence and war. War has never solved problems for very long. The defeat of Germany in World War I led to resentment and poverty and eventually to the rise of Hitler and World War II. The wisest teachers have taught a very different lesson. Jesus said:
“…if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.” (Matthew 5:38-41)
Jesus taught that violence solves nothing. It only creates more violence. It hurts and angers the victim who vows and plots his revenge. Jesus realized and taught the great lesson that the best way to destroy an enemy is to make him your friend. Jesus taught that the only way to end violence is to:
“…Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you…” (Matthew 5:44)
The alternative is to create more and more people around the world who hate us and plan and live for our demise. With the increasing power of modern weapons, nuclear, biological, and chemical, even a weak enemy can cause death and suffering on a massive scale. And we know from experience that this only leads to retaliation and escalation. It will only stop when one of two things happens.
(1) Either we destroy ourselves in a global conflict, which has been predicted by many, or
(2) We escape this fate by trying something new: forgive and send love to our enemies, and pray for peace and healing everywhere.
It is up to us to begin the forgiveness process, to love, to send prayers daily around the world to ease the anger and fear, to forgive the violence, to pray for a growing peace. Let the fires of hatred and fear and revenge burn down, let the embers cool. Remember that each of us possesses an immortal soul and is here to learn. Let us follow the teachings of the great Masters of all ages, sowing love and kindness and generosity, and extending it in prayer to all living souls around the world.
When we look beneath the external trappings of any religion, it is remarkable how similar are the underlying beliefs. We offer two examples here. The first is the “Golden Rule,” which in Christianity is “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” This same belief is taught in most of the world’s religions:
Buddhism (Udana-Varga): Hurt not others with that which pains yourself.
Judaism (Leviticus 19:18): You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
Confucianism (Mencius VII.A.4): Try your best to treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself, and you will find that this is the shortest way to benevolence.
Hinduism (The Mahabharata): This is the sum of duty: do naught to others which if done to thee would cause thee pain.
Christianity (Matthew 7:12): Whatever you wish that men would do to you, do so to them.
Islam (Hadith): No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself.
As a second example, consider the teaching of Jesus to “turn the other cheek.” This is often considered a more unusual teaching, because it emphasizes that we should not return violence with violence. In a world torn by terrorism and war, this lesson is too seldom heeded. Yet it is not unique to Christianity. Consider the following quotes:
Buddhism (Dhammapada 201): Victory breeds hatred, for the defeated live in pain. Happily live the peaceful, giving up victory and defeat.
Judaism (Talmud, Baba Kamma 93a): One should choose to be among the persecuted, rather than the persecutors.
Confucianism (Mencius IV.A.14): In wars to gain land, the dead fill the plains; in wars to gain cities, the dead fill the cities. This is known as showing the land the way to devour human flesh. Death is too light a punishment for such men who wage war. Hence those skilled in war should suffer the most severe punishments.
Sikhism (Adi Granth, Shalok, Farid): Those who beat you with fists, do not pay them with the same coin, but go to their house and kiss their feet.
Christianity (Jesus in Matthew 5:38-41): You have heard that it was said, “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” But I say to you, Do not resist one who is evil. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also; and if any one would sue you and take your coat, let him have your cloak as well…”
Islam (Forty Hadith of an-Nawawi 32): Let there be no injury and no requital.
Such correspondences can be found for almost all religions. Therefore, as the world becomes smaller it would serve us well to look at the underlying similarities in religions, rather than the differences. These similarities are not due to coincidence. They are due to a deep intuitive knowledge on the part of religious founders. These rules seem to describe important truths about how the universe works and how we should live. The alternative, in this time of nuclear and biological warfare and a seriously damaged environment, may be our destruction. A non-violent solution is to pray for global healing and peace.
Contact Information:
Ref. 1:
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